Personal Articles

“International Portrait Day: Tribute to My Grandparents Through Photography”

Today, in celebration of International Portrait Day, I am thrilled to share a series of photographs from one of my first-ever portrait shoots. This series is particularly special to me, as it was part of my B.A. Hons Degree in Photography. During this shoot, I had the...

The Lone Traveller on His Way to Asia

I stumbled across the most idyllic red and black Vardo (Romani wagon) whilst driving back from a photographic shoot yesterday. It totally captured my attention, standing alone, set in wasteland just outside Leamington Spa. My photographic instinct kicked in and I...


“I first discovered Tamara 20 years and have been commissioning her ever since for both my family and corporate photography. My children love her, she has a really great connection with them, their first shoot with her was when they were babies and their latest one...


I wanted to share my experience photographing a fellow photographer and friend, Victoria La Bouchardiere. ( It's a weird thing that as photographers we make our living from photographing others, yet we rarely give ourselves...